Northern Shaolin Winter Party - Feedback

Our goal with the Winter Party is to build a sense of community within our kung fu and tai chi family.  Your feedback will help us continue to improve so that we can make the event the best experience for everyone.  All feedback is anonymous.  We keep costs low by relying on volunteers.  If you can help us next year in any way, please email and we will put you on the list for next year. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following:

  No thanks, not again please! Okay, but could do without it. Good, thumbs up. Really enjoyed this! Excellent, please do again!
Lion Dance
Student Performances (Piano, Cossack dancing)
Door Prizes
Baby Pics Game
Instructor 2 Truths & a Lie Game
Kung Fu Pinata Game
Chinese Food
Dessert - brownies, cookies
Sifu's Rock Band

Question Title

* 2. How comfortable was your experience at the party? Please rate the following statements.

  Disagree Disagree somewhat Agree Agree somewhat Totally agree
I could move around comfortably.
I could sit with the people I wanted to sit with.
Food service was smooth - I didn't have to wait too long to eat.
Volume of performances was good.

Question Title

* 3. What would you like to see improved for next year?

Question Title

* 4. Any other comments or suggestions for our party?