Question Title

* 1. Enter Your Name:

Question Title

* 2. What is your favorite thing about Wild Writing Dreams?

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* 3. What are the post topics you've most enjoyed so far?

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* 4. What are some topics you might want me to cover in the future?

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* 5. What are some things you've always had trouble with or want to know more about in writing?
(ex. death scenes, fight scenes, hooks, etc.)

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* 6. What are some things you believe I can improve on or add too the blog?

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* 7. If I were to start an email list, what do you want in it?

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* 8. If I were to give away a free goodie for those of you awesome people who decide to stalk me on email, what would you guys want?

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* 9. Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions regarding Wild Writing Dreams?

Thank you SO much for taking this quiz, I appreciate it a million times over; and if you ever want to chat, want to give me post ideas, have any suggestions, questions, thoughts, or even want me to do things like edit your book, don't hesitate to go to my contact page!