
The State of Ohio is currently preparing the PY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. Ohio’s Consolidated Plan assesses and addresses the housing needs of the state’s non-entitlement communities. This survey is intended for members of the general public and statewide housing administrators to provide feedback on what housing gaps and challenges currently exist in the areas where they live and work. All survey responses are anonymous and will be summarized in the Consolidated Plan’s Needs Assessment.

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* 2. Select the county or counties in which you provide services and/or operate.

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* 3. Select the top five housing needs in your community(ies).

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* 4. List the top five housing challenges for renters in your community(ies).

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* 5. List the top five housing challenges for homeowners in your community(ies).

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* 6. Select all the groups below that you believe have the greatest difficulty accessing clean, decent and affordable housing.

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* 7. Do you believe there is a shortage of affordable housing?

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* 8. What barriers to developing affordable housing (owner-occupied and renter-occupied) in your community(ies) do you believe exist?

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* 9. What issues make it difficult to find qualified contractors to make necessary repairs in the counties/regions that you serve?

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* 10. What specific solutions would you suggest for increasing the contractor workforce in your area?

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* 11. List the greatest unmet housing needs in your area(s). List as many as you would like:

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* 12. What other issues or solutions do you have regarding your area’s housing stock?

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* 13. Has your area successfully cultivated an innovative solution to address any of the needs mentioned in this survey? If so, please describe

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* 14. If you would like to receive more information about housing and community planning in the future, please provide your name and email address.