Question Title

* 1. Overall how would you rate the job ACEC-NH is doing?

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* 2. Is there anything more ACEC-NH can do around COVID-19 to assist your firm?

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* 3. Are you satisfied with ACEC-NH's communication to its membership?

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* 4. How satisfied are you with the content of the ACEC-NH communication?

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* 5. What do you consider to be the key benefits to your firm belonging to ACEC-NH?

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* 6. Why do you attend webinars?

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* 7. If you are not already on a committee, which committee(s) is of interest to you? 

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* 8. Do you have any other comments regarding your membership in ACEC-NH? 

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* 9. How many years have you worked in the profession?

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* 10. If you would like follow up information or have questions, please complete this section.