Question Title

* By checking this question, you are indicating you viewed the complete webinar.

Question Title

* Please rate Joia Crear-Perry, MD, FACOG, on each of the following:

  Agree strongly Agree Disagree Disagree strongly N/A
Well Prepared
Articulate/Good Teacher
Use Appropriate Teaching Methods

Question Title

* Please rate how well the program objectives were met. At the end of the presentation, I am able to:

  Extremely well Well Fairly well Poorly
Increase value for Black families and birthing people.
Identify shared language and tools for birth equity.
Practice tools to apply towards birth equity.

Question Title

* Will you change your practice based on this presentation?

Question Title

* Please answer the following questions.

  Yes No
Did you attend the full session?
Did you perceive the session to be balanced and free from commercial bias?
Did you see or hear the speaker disclosure statements at the beginning of the presentation?

Question Title

* What is your profession? (WAPC is approved to provide continuing education for nurses and physicians. This information is collected to aid completion of continuing education re-accreditation requirements.)

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* Please indicate which continuing education certificate you are requesting?

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* Please enter information about where to send the continuing education certificate:

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* Check here if you do not have an email address and wish to receive the continuing education certificate by mail. Enter your address below.

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* Enter your address below.