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* 1. Where do you believe the SMPCP Mental Health & Wellbeing Committee sits on the Collaboration for Impact Collaboration Continuum?

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* 2. Why do you think the SMPCP Mental Health & Wellbeing Committee sits where you have chosen?

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* 3. What has the SMPCP Mental Health & Wellbeing Committee achieved?

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* 4. What are the current strengths of the SMPCP Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee?

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* 5. What are the current weaknesses of the SMPCP Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee?

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* 6. What are you and your agency contributing to the Committee?

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* 7. What value does your organisation gain from participating in this Committee?

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* 8. Does the Partnership need to respond to the mental health service system changes Yes/No?
If yes, how can we respond as a partnership?

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* 9. As a partnership, is there anything we can do differently or better to be more outcomes focused?

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* 10. As a collective, what do we want to achieve over the next 12 months?

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* 11. Any other feedback