1. Message to survey participants!

The Southern CT chapter of SHRM (SOCT SHRM) is partnering with the Connecticut State Council of SHRM (CTSHRM) to conduct a CONFIDENTIAL survey about workforce planning and readiness initiatives.

SHRM’s Workforce Readiness Initiative is designed to improve Talent Development efforts in specific areas and help HR professionals remove the barriers that may prevent certain, often neglected, qualified workers from being fully considered for jobs.  The focus on developing and improving approaches that help maintain a skilled labor force and thus enhance talent development success. Some of these barriers may include socio-cultural beliefs associated with hiring people with disabilities; criminal history; minorities and generation divide. 

Workforce Readiness encompasses several dimensions of training and development opportunities to create an effective work force and labor pool, while tapping into non-traditional worker demographics (veterans; minorities; people with disabilities or those who have past criminal history, university/ college relations). We recognize that HR professionals and policy makers have a strong role to play in furthering of the programs supporting these groups and increasing the development of their organization’s talent pool.

For the purpose of this survey, we have identified three areas of focus:

  • Preparing for Retirement of the Aging Workforce (age 55 or older) - steps to engage older workers and prepare for the knowledge and skill gaps that will be created by their departure
  • Increasing Veteran Recruiting and Engagement Programs – initiatives that foster selection and inclusion of veterans in the workforce
  • Preparing Employees for Shifting Skill Needs - due to digitization and technological advancements, understanding the impact of technological changes and disruptions on the business and alignment of recruitment and training strategies to develop the workforce of the future

We invite all HR Professionals and Executives to participate in this IMPORTANT survey by answering the following questions and submitting responses to the survey no later than October 1st, 2018.

All participants will receive the results of the Workforce Readiness Initiative Survey from SOCT SHRM. Your responses to this poll will be kept strictly confidential.  Responses from all participants will be combined, analyzed, and the findings will be reported only in their aggregate form. 

If you have any questions, please contact Meghna Gangwani by telephone at 203.550.2707 or via e-mail to Meghna.gangwani@quest-global.com.  Thank you in advance for sharing your time and knowledge.  Your insight and experiences as an HR professional will be invaluable to you as participants and to us and the HR Community.  Please be part of the results of this leading-edge survey.