WAE Survey

You are being sent this survey because of your involvement in previous WAE activities and programs. Please take a moment to read each question and select the response(s) that most accurately reflect your opinion. Your responses will remain anonymous.

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* 1. Please list your current status with the University.

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* 2. How many organized WAE activities or events have you participated in during your time as an undergraduate student at Wilkes?

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* 3. During your time at Wilkes, have you: (Please check all that apply.)

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* 4. Please rate your satisfaction with the following WAE Programs.

  Not satisfied at all Somewhat dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A - Did not participate
WAE Spring Break
WAE Base Camp
WAE Day Pre-Orientation Trip
Day Trips (Hikes etc.)
Climbing Passes
Yoga Passes

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* 5. What do you value most about the WAE program?

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* 6. Based on your experiences in WAE, would you feel confident leading an outdoor excursion that involved: (Please check if the answer is "yes".)

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* 7. In respect to areas for growth/improvement, what are your top three concerns or recommendations for WAE?

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* 8. Are there any programs or activities not currently offered by WAE that would be of interest to you?

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* 9. Participating in WAE programs has provided me with a better sense of my own personal strengths, values, and limitations.

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* 10. Through my participation in WAE programs, I have learned more about my own personal leadership style and willingness to take risks.

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* 11. WAE has afforded me opportunities to interact with and learn from other individuals who are different from myself.

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* 12. Participating in WAE programs with other peers has helped me better understand and appreciate group dynamics and team performance in respect to communication, seeking feedback, and working collaboratively towards attainment of group goals.

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* 13. My experiences in WAE programs have improved my confidence as a leader.

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* 14. Please rate the Coordinator's (Jill Price) leadership in each of the following areas:

  Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
Encouraging positive change in students
Mentoring students and teaching them how to handle challenges on their own
Helping students grow and become better leaders
Encouraging self-confidence in others
Highly effective listener 
Communicating well on a personal level
Fostering an environment that enables and encourages students to learn new skills.

Question Title

* 15. Overall, I would rate the quality of interactions with the WAE Coordinator Jill Price as: