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* 1. Please provide your contact information

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* 2. Please apply a value to every item on the ballot (1-5, with 1 being no interest and 5 being critical).

  1 2 3 4 5
1. Documentation: Add more video tutorials and training to customer portal.
2. Modeling: Add more CAD functions such as offset surface and/or offset curve on surface functions.
3. Modeling: Improve support for models like propellers and inducers that are highly wrapped and degenerate at the shroud or that have edges nearly tangent to the shroud.
4. Modeling: Add support of multiple splitter rows in a single configuration.
5. Modeling: Improve support/import for sheared, multi-surface leading edges common on inducers and rocket turbopumps.
6. Toolpaths: Preview toolpath option. See a preview of the toolpath before leaving operation window. e.g. toolpath volume, step down, toolpath pattern with reduced stepover, etc.
7. Toolpaths: Expand generic milling toolpath types. e.g. 2D contour, offset curve on surface, drilling, etc.
8. Toolpaths: Add ability to generate turning toolpaths for lathes and mill-turn machines.
9. Toolpaths: Support additional bodies (such as fixture) for collision avoidance.
10. Toolpaths: Use Rest-Stock model from MRS for 5-axis operation feed and/or path calculation to speed up or eliminate air-cuts.
11. Toolpaths: Add more options to Disc Mill Roughing toolpath.
12. Toolpaths: Cut in tip-to-root direction with corner radius tool for semi finish or finish operation.
13. Toolpaths, MAX-5 and MAX-AB: Enhance hub blending options to support blending across pocket, and support different blend parameters for up/downstream cutting.
14. Toolpaths, MAX-SI: For 3+2 roughing and MAX-SI pocket roughing: pre drill a hole and use the hole location to insert to each roughing level.
15. Toolpaths, MAX-SI: Reduce air cutting on initial engagement, especially with Continuous Contact method.
16. Simulation: Allow editing of toolpath in simulator. For example: add/delete lines, change feeds, adjust tool vectors.
17. Post processor: Generate main program from CAM operations.
18. Performance: Improve speed of toolpath generation.
19. Optimization: Support feed optimization based on simple material removal or more advanced physics-based analysis.

Question Title

* 3. Please rate MAX-PAC:

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* 4. Please rate the technical support for MAX-PAC:

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* 5. In general, which do you find more time-consuming?

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* 6. Would you recommend MAX-PAC to a colleague?