Participant Recruitment Survey: Polyamory and Jealousy Question Title * 1. Are you currently polyamorous or ethically non-monogamous? Yes No OK Question Title * 2. Have you experienced jealousy in your polyamorous/ENM relationship(s)? I have experienced being jealous I have experienced being the object of someone's jealousy I have experienced jealousy myself and as the object of another person's jealousy I have not experienced jealousy OK Question Title * 3. Are you available and willing to participate in a video recorded 60-minute interview via Zoom online conference with a researcher during February or March 2019? Yes No OK Question Title * 4. Are you willing and able to answer sensitive questions about feelings of jealousy and your intimate relationships, including sex? Yes No OK Question Title * 5. Are you willing and able to explore in-depth, open-ended questions about your experiences with jealousy with the researcher? Yes No OK Question Title * 6. What is your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ OK Question Title * 7. How many years have you been polyamorous or ethically non-monogamous? <1 80 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. OK Question Title * 8. What is your gender? Male Female Non-binary, fluid, or genderqueer Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. What is your orientation? Lesbian Gay Bi Asexual Pansexual Straight or heterosexual Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 10. REQUIRED: Potential Study Participant Contact Information Name City/Town (optional) State/Province Country Email Address Phone Number OK DONE