The Greensand Trust is working to produce a Green Infrastructure Plan for Maulden as part of the Neighbourhood Plan.  The GI Plan will help shape the future of the parish and secure funding for environmental projects.
Green infrastructure is the network of green spaces, access routes, wildlife habitats, landscapes and historic features which provide:
 - a healthy and diverse environment
 - an attractive place to live and visit
 - a good quality of life
 - a sustainable future
By completing this survey you will be contributing valuable information to develop the plan for Maulden.  It should only take a few minutes.  Thank you for your time.
Please complete and submit the survey by Tuesday 6th February 2018

Question Title

* 1. Please give the age of the person answering the questionnaire.  This helps us analyse the data and match the answers to other information gathered by CBC and our other surveys.

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* 2. Do you consider yourself to be disabled?  Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 a person is considered to have a disability if he/she has a physical or mental impairment which has a sustained and long-term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day to day duties

Question Title

* 3. There are a number of environmental assets available for community use within the parish.  Please indicate how frequently you visit them

  Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely Never
Maulden Woods
Maulden Nature Reserve (Duck End NR)
Maulden allotments
The Green around the village hall
Recreation Ground
Church Meadow
Public Footpaths
Public Bridleways

Question Title

* 4. How important to you (in terms of recreation, leisure and biodiversity) are the following types of open space?

  Extremely important Very important Somewhat important Not important Not at all important
Nature Conservation areas
Allotments and public gardens
Village Greens
Recreation grounds and 'kick about' areas
Meadows and grazed grassland
Public footpaths
Public bridleways

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* 5. Are there any areas of sustainable living you would like to improve in Maulden?  Examples include, but are not limited to, recycling, renewable energy, organic farming, local and seasonal foods, sustainable transport, sustainable building materials etc

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* 6. Are you concerned about any aspects of the environment in Maulden?

  Extremely concerned Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not so concerned Not at all concerned
Air pollution eg from vehicles
Soil pollution
Light pollution
Dog poo
Traffic noise
Aircraft noise
Loss of wildlife habitat

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* 7. If you have any ideas/suggestions to improve the Maulden environment or if there are any other aspects you would like to comment about, please write them in the box below.

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* 8. Your name (optional)