PA Livestock Operator Mental Wellness Survey

There’s no doubt that the mental challenges that a farmer can face in any given day or any given season can weigh heavily on your well-being. Please consider completing this short survey to help us begin a conversation around mental health and what it means for Pennsylvania livestock producers. Our goal is to normalize the discussion so more individuals will feel empowered to ask for help before it is too late.

This survey is about mental health in the agribusiness industry. Filling out this confidential and anonymous survey with candid answers will help this organization to provide the best resources and information that is needed revolving around mental health and stress within Pennsylvania agriculture. Please answer the questions and submit your response by January 31, 2022.
1.How important is mental health to you, your family, and employees?
2.Have you or someone within your farm experienced any of the
following over the last year? (Check all that apply)
Family Member
Feeling tired/less energy
Feeling nervous/anxious/ on edge
Difficulty sleeping
Little to no interest or pleasure in doing things
Not being able to stop or control worrying
Feelings or Sudden Outbursts of Anger and/or Frustration
Feelings of Extreme Hopelessness
Addiction and Substance Abuse
Low energy
Difficulty Concentrating
Significant weight change/change in appetite
Frequent thought of death or suicide
Not caring for livestock, crops or farm as usual
Episodes of physical violence or abuse
3.Please indicate to what extent you agree that each of these impacts the mental health of you and those within your farm business? (Check box that applies)
Great Extent
Moderate Extent
Some Extent
No Extent
Not Sure
Financial Issues
Fear of losing the farm
Uncertain future
Farm/business issues
Weather or other factors beyond control
Hours of labor
Lack of workers
Health issues
Social Isolation
Stigma about mental health issues
Spouse or Partner Relationship issues
Farm Family Dynamics
The Covid Pandemic
4.Pick the top three issues from the list below that you believe are having the greatest impact on the mental health of your farm family and farm employees you are working with in your business
5.Who have you talked with in the past year about any of the above issues? (Check all that apply)
6.How confident are you, that you would be able to spot the warning signs of a mental health condition in an immediate family member/employee/ fellow agriculture producer/another member of the ag community?
7.How confident are you able to respond to someone having a mental health issue, including suicidal thoughts/ideation?
8.What are the obstacles for you or someone within your farm business to seek help or treatment for a mental health condition? (Check all that apply)
9.Are you completing this survey on behalf of yourself or someone else?
10.Gender: Identify as
12.Type of Business
13.If partnership, how many partners?
14.Are non-partner family members involved in the farm?
15.If so, how many family members?
16.How long has farming been your occupation?
17.Type of Livestock on Your Farm: (Mark All That Apply):
18.Total Number of Head representing All Species on Your Farm:
19.Region of Pennsylvania
20.Are there any other issues you would like us to know in regards to mental health and well being in the farming community:
This survey is being conducted through an initiative of the Center for Beef Excellence, Center for Poultry, Pennsylvania Beef Producers Working Group, and Livestock Excellence, and Center for Dairy Excellence and is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and the USDA Farmer Rancher Network Assistance Program.
For More Information, contact:
Center for Dairy Excellence
Phone: 717-346-0849
Current Progress,
0 of 20 answered