Grey Highlands Water Survey

1.Please indicate which Drinking Water System you are a part of:
2.Please rate the quality of your drinking water
3.Generally, how does your water smell?
4.Generally, how does your water taste?
5.Generally, what does your water look like?
6.Do you drink tap water of bottled water?
7.Have you ever made a complaint to the Municipality related to your drinking water in the past?
8.What was the result of your complaint?
9.Do you use any water saving devices in your home (low flow faucets, toilets, etc.)?
10.Do you use any equipment to improve water quality in your home (water softener, water purification, etc.)?
11.Do you feel that there is a threat of drinking water shortage in the area where you live?
12.Are you satisfied with the current water rates?
13.Would you like to be contacted to attend the next public meeting on the water and wastewater rates?
14.Overall, are you satisfied with your drinking water service?
15.Do you have any other comments regarding your drinking water?
Current Progress,
0 of 15 answered