ALXnow Reader Survey 2020

1.What's your age?
2.Which best describes where you LIVE?
3.Which best describes where you WORK?
4.In general, how would you rate your satisfaction with our news coverage since our fall 2019 launch?
5.What can we do to improve in 2020?
6.Would you like to see more or less of the following in 2020?
A bit more
About the same
Restaurant and local business coverage
Local government coverage
Transit and transportation
Development and housing
Crime and breaking news
Events and things to do
Community issues and neighborhood discussions
7.What other local publications/sites do you read on a regular basis? (Check all that apply)
8.Rate the importance of the following to you
Very important
Moderately important
Not very important
Not important at all
Being among the first to find out about a news story
In-depth reporting that goes beyond the most pertinent facts
Articles that are well-edited and free of typos
Local reporting that demonstrates a depth of knowledge about the community
"News you can use" that contains actionable information (events to attend, restaurants to try, etc.)
Finding amusing or entertaining stories among your local news reading