2023 Stakeholder Survey

This survey is designed to receive feedback from our local stakeholders regarding the 2022 promotion of the Harrison River Valley region. 

Question Title

* 1. Where is your business located?

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* 2. Overall, how familiar is your organization with the services and programs offered by Tourism Harrison. Please rate on a scale of 1- no knowledge to 5 very familiar.

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* 3. On a scale of 1-5 how familiar are you with the 8 marketing initiatives listed below?

  Not Familiar  Not very Familiar Somewhat Familiar  Familiar Very Familiar
The Trail Guide
The Harrison River Valley Visitor Guide
The Tourism Harrison App
Tourism Harrison Events
Tourism Harrison Website
Use of the Sasquatch as a mascot for Harrison Hot Springs?
Sasquatch Museum
Social Media, including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Question Title

* 4. Do you use Social Media as a marketing tool?

Question Title

* 5. In 2022, how satisfied were you with Tourism Harrison's development, implementation, and delivery of these marketing strategies? Please rate on a scale of 1-being dissatisfied to 5 very satisfied.

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatified Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Sasquatch as a Mascot
Events, including  Canada Day, the Christmas Tree Trail, Lights by the Lake and Bands on the Beach
Sasquatch Museum
Publications, including The Harrison River Valley Visitor Guide and Trail Guide.

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate Tourism Harrison's way of conducting business. Please rate on a scale from 1-poor to 5- excellent.

  1. Poor 2. Fair 3. Good 4. Very Good 5. Excellent 6. Do not know
Collaborates and consults with the local Tourism Industry on key decisions
Is transparent about its performance
Has employees that are knowledgeable about market changes and issues that are impacting tourism
Provides leadership and directions to the Harrison Hot Springs tourism industry
Informs the Harrison Hot Springs Tourism Stakeholders about its basic strategy and future direction
Spends MRDT funds (Hotel Tax) effectively and responsibly
Understands my business/organization
Provides marketing programs that grow tourism revenues in Harrison Hot Springs. 

Question Title

* 7. How satisfied are you with the overall performance of Tourism Harrison ?

Question Title

* 8. How can Tourism Harrison increase your satisfaction?

Question Title

* 9. In your opinion, what are 3 barriers of growth in the tourism industry in Harrison Hot Springs and the Harrison River Valley? List a minimum of 3 barriers

Question Title

* 10. How much potential to grow is possible in all of the following tourism products and/or experiences in Harrison?

  1. Low potential of Growth 2. 3. Some potential 4. 5.Strong Growth Potential  6. Do not know
Tourism Harrison Events

Question Title

* 11. Are there any other, than not listed above, products or tourism experiences that you think would have a high growth potential?

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* 12. In your opinion, how much of a priority should Tourism Harrison place on each of the following program areas?

  1. Not a Priority 2. Low Priority 3. Medium Priority 4. High Priority 5. Essential 
A. Supporting tourism product development (i.e providing research,  tourism insights, and/ or by identifying opportunities)
B. Trip Planning (i.e. ensuring visitors have the information they need while planning their trip to Harrison River Valley. I.e. Tourism Website, working with bloggers, distributing Visitor Guides, actively engaged in Trade Shows, Tourism Harrison App.
D. Visitor Services (i.e. ensuring visitors have the information they need while in Harrison) i.e. operating the Visitor Centre, creating Trail and Visitor Guides, Tourism Harrison App.
E. Community relations (I.e. working with the community of Harrison Hot Springs on behalf of the tourism industry).
G. Marketing Research and industry performance tracking (i.e. accurately measuring industry and Tourism Harrison performance, i.e. overnight stays, website traffic, social traffic).
H. Community planning(i.e. ensuring Harrison River Valley plans for tourism while moving forward).
I. Destination Management (i.e. managing the MRDT, Hotel Tax, working with the provincial, regional, and community organizations to advance tourism).
J. Communication about the value of the tourism industry to the broader Harrison River Valley community.

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* 13. How would you rate 2022 Tourism levels compared to  previous years? Please rate from 1- worse to 5- better.

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* 14. Did your business do better or worse, last year, in terms of sales? Please rate from 1-worse to 5-better.

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* 15. How do you feel your business is impacted by the Pay Parking implemented by the Village of Harrison?

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* 16. What workshops would you like to see offered by Tourism Harrison?

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* 17. Thank you for taking our survey, to enter the marketing package draw, please provide your contact information