Rep. Koegel 2021 Legislative Survey

Dear Neighbors,

It’s an honor to serve our community at the State Capitol. The 2021 legislative session is well underway and I’d like your feedback on issues that could be discussed this year. Your answers will help me determine what legislation I should prioritize this year.

Thank you for your time!

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* 1. COVID has impacted all of our lives, but it hasn’t hit everyone equally. How have you or your family been impacted by COVID-19? (Check all that apply)

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* 2. The state currently faces a projected positive budget of $1.6 billion. While this is certainly positive news many Minnesotans aren’t having their needs met. The ongoing economic crisis has not hurt all Minnesotans equally, do you support policies that would ensure the big corporations and wealthy pay their fair share so the average Minnesotan can recover?

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* 3. The pandemic has made clear that workers need to be able to take paid time off to care for loved ones or themselves when they’re sick. This is important not just for families’ economic security, but also to protect public health. Do you support or oppose a state-administered paid family and medical leave insurance program so everyone can access paid family and medical leave? (Employers and employees would pay a small increment from each paycheck to fund the paid time off similar to Unemployment Insurance)

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* 4. Climate change is one of the most significant threats to Minnesota’s future economic growth and vitality. We have a responsibility to be part of the solution, to create a world where future generations have the same opportunities as we do. Which of the following steps would you like to see taken to combat climate change? Check all that apply.

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* 5. The killing of George Floyd sparked a nationwide conversation about policing and the need to advance racial justice and equity. In response, the House declared racism a public health crisis. The Select Committee on Racial Justice released a report with a number of recommendations that would break the cycles of poverty and repression and remove barriers that prevent people of color from building generational wealth. Which of the following measures do you support? Check all that apply.

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* 6. Over the past two decades, state funding for public education has not kept up with needs leaving our kids at a disadvantage. Do you support stronger state funding for education to ensure that children all over the State of Minnesota have access to the same high-quality level of education, or do you believe the state should provide only basic funding, and local school districts should pass property tax referendums if they would like higher quality or additional opportunities for students? In other words, should the quality of a child's education depend on whether or not they live in a wealthy city, or should we guarantee all children an equally good education?

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* 7. Do you support the legalization, regulation, and taxation of adult-use cannabis?

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* 8. What is the rationale for your support or lack of support?

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* 9. What are the most important issues that need to be addressed related to the legalization of adult use of cannabis? (Check up to 3)

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* 10. Highway 65 is in desperate need of repair and renovation, however, there currently isn’t enough funding to fix it. Would you support proposals that would raise revenue so we can pay for projects like this?

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* 11. If yes, which of the following would you support, check all that apply.

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* 12. There is a lack of safe and reliable transit in our district, leaving few practical options for travel outside of cars. Would you support proposals that would fund improvements to our local bus system?

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* 13. If yes, which of the following would you support, check all that apply.

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* 14. What kind of improvements would you like to see in our local transit and pedestrian infrastructure?

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* 15. Our state works best when everyone's voices are heard, no matter what we look like or where we live. Please share any other comments you have with me. Thank you.