Disclosure and Consent

You are being invited to participate in a research study titled “Competing with Superman: Fighting For True Equality without Racism and Xenophobia”.  This study is being done by a private company, OBDURA, NIP: PL6342830765 REGON: 243679710, established: 30 Sept 2014 in Poland and was founded, owned and managed by Juan A. Sanchez-Martinez, research scientist.

The purpose of this research study is to measure the public’s biases, prejudice, and xenophobia as it relates to race and ethnicity. Due to the sensitivity of the topic the researcher is using a fictional comic book character, Superman whom is depicted as being born Kal-El on the planet Krypton, before being rocketed to Earth as an infant by his scientist father Jor-El, moments before Krypton's destruction. Discovered and adopted by a Kansas farmer and his wife, the child is raised as Clark Kent and imbued with a strong moral compass. Very early on he started to display superhuman abilities, which, upon reaching maturity, he resolved to use for the benefit of humanity.

The researcher proposes the theory that if a superhero such as “Superman” existed the majority of the public would care more as to the race and ethnicity of the hero, and perhaps would not be as loved or well received if Superman’s race was depicted as Black versus White.   If you agree to take part in this study, you will be asked to complete an online survey/questionnaire.  This survey/questionnaire will ask about your demographic, especially as to how you self-identify yourself when it comes to race. Other questions that will be asked are pertaining to your household and when you first encountered racism on a personal level (if applicable). The survey will take you approximately 25 minutes to complete.

You may not directly benefit from this research; however, we hope that your participation in the study may contribute to a long-awaited discussion on race and ethnicity in order to move the public to a more equal, respectable and tolerant society.

We believe there are no known risks associated with this research study; however, as with any online related activity, the risk of a breach of confidentiality is always possible.  To the best of our ability your answers in this study will remain confidential.  We will minimize any risks by assigning a random number that corresponds to each online application. In addition, your IP address will not be recorded. In the event it is recorded, upon completion of the survey, your IP address will be removed by the researcher.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time.  You are free to skip any question that you choose. However, we ask you to be completely honest and guarantee your full anonymity. By continuing you agree to all terms and conditions. Thank you for your participation.