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* 1. Personalized care planning, a process to collaboratively develop care plans tailored to patient priorities and social contexts, is important to providing high-quality, patient-centered care.

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* 2. Empanelment” is the implementation of systematic, intentional, and continuously refined processes to identify and assign people to specific health care facilities, teams or primary care providers, which are then responsible for these people’s care. It is an important early step towards effective and coordinated primary care and can begin a paradigm shift from disease treatment to disease prevention.

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* 3. “Unitizing” is the understanding that you can count a large group of items by counting smaller, equal groups of items from within the large group. It can positively impact the physical and mental health services provided to populations.

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* 4. Diagnostic overshadowing (DO) refers to the process by which an individual with a disability does not receive adequate or timely treatment because their physical & mental signs or symptoms are wrongly attributed to their disability.

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* 5. The alternative payment model framework represents payments for medical care that holds providers accountable for achieving specific quality performance goals in an efficient manner.

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