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We are delighted to have you and your company on our CONNECTS platform. We are constantly working to improve the user experience and features of CONNECTS. Your opinion as a user is very important to us to help guide our work.

It would be very helpful if you could provide us with feedback about your use of CONNECTS by answering a short questionnaire. We estimate this will take no more than 5 minutes of your time.

The first part of the questionnaire is designed to get a better understanding of your businesses and your use of digital tools in general. In the second part we will ask you about how you use CONNECTS. Any use of the answers you provide us will only be shared in aggregate and anonymous or used for marketing purposes by CONNECTS. We will not refer to you or your answers in any communication without your expressed permission.

Thank you very much for your time and support.
Karolina Vainilkaitė

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* 1. Which company/organization type best describes your business (tick 1 box please)?

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* 2. What is the size of your company/organisation?

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* 3. Where do most of your activities take place / where do you do most of your business?

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* 4. How young or mature is your business/organisation?

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* 5. What digital tools do you use in your company/organization (tick all relevant options)?

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* 6. How is the Covid-19 pandemic affecting your company/organisation?

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* 7. How is the Covid-19 pandemic impacting the use of internet and digital tools in your company/organisation?

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* 8. I use CONNECTS for commercial reasons (find new clients or suppliers)

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* 9. I  use CONNECTS to meet people that are like-minded or have similar business interests

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* 10. I use CONNECTS to find new partners to collaborate with or share information

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* 11. CONNECTS give me a sense of purpose and a place to express my business objectives

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* 12. The CONNECTS platform helps me discover new insights and develop business strategies

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* 13. My CONNECTS company page is a good place to present my brand’s identity

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* 14. My connection with my Chamber of Commerce on CONNECTS gives my company more trust and credibility

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* 15. CONNECTS provides me with a way to tell a more interesting story about my business, helping develop a richer narrative

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* 16. Being on CONNECTS plays an important part in being recognised and visible to colleagues and other business people

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* 17. The privacy and the fact that only companies and organisations approved by chambers of commerce have access to CONNECTS are really important to me

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* 18. Do you have any other feedback you would like to share with us?

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* 19. Would you be interested to participate in focus group discussions with other CONNECTS users following this questionnaire?

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* 20. If you answer yes to the last question, please leave your email for us to contact you:

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