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Thank you for your interest in the Las Vegas Transitional Grant Area (TGA) Ryan White Part A Planning Council. Membership applications submitted now will be considered in November 2024, with a membership term beginning in March 2025. Please get to know more about our Planning Council through this application before applying to ensure it is a good fit for you.

Planning Council Responsibilities

The Planning Council is an appointed planning body by the Clark County Board of Commissioners (CEO) that has seven specific responsibilities associated with the Ryan White Part A HIV/AIDS Program, which are;
  1. Reviewing and implementing by-laws covering the operations of the Planning Council;
  2. Conduct an annual HIV/AIDS Community Needs Assessment;
  3. Develop a Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Services Care Plan for the TGA every three years;
  4. Complete an annual Priority Setting and Resource Allocations process for Ryan White grant funding;
  5. Seek coordination with other Ryan White and non-Ryan White HIV related resources to build a cohesive Continuum of HIV/AIDS Care on a continual basis;
  6. Annually assess the Administrative Mechanism;
  7. Review and implement the Service Standards for the Ryan White Part A Program.

Your Time and Commitment to the Council

To accomplish the aforementioned mandated tasks, meetings will be held monthly. Due to COVID-19 meetings are currently being held virtually utilizing the Zoom meeting platform. 

It is the expectation that all members be present at every meeting. Please be aware that members who have three absences from Planning Council or committee meetings during any calendar year will be removed from the council.

Additionally, membership shall be for two years and shall commence upon the date of CEO approval. Members may serve consecutive terms if they meet all membership requirements, successfully complete the application and nomination process, and are reappointed by the CEO.

However, no member may hold a voting seat for more than four consecutive years in any six-year period, and may not hold a voting seat for more than eight years total.

Member Selection Process
Once your application is received it will be kept on file and you will be notified of the time and location of the group interview meeting. We are mandated and committed to assuring that our membership is reflective of our local epidemic and all required membership positions are filled. New and returning members will be selected with a heavy emphasis on:
  1. Membership positions available, and
  2. Ensuring the local epidemic is reflective.

During the group interview meeting, you may be asked questions by members of the Planning Council so therefore it is imperative that you are in attendance at that meeting. During that meeting, the Planning Council will also hold a vote on new and returning members. Please note that you will not become a voting member until your name is presented to the CEO for approval.

If approved by the CEO your membership will be effective immediately therefore allowing you to become a full voting member at the priority setting and resource allocation process for utilization in the following grant year.

Special Notice to Persons Living with HIV/AIDS
Persons with HIV/AIDS may serve on the Planning Council without fully disclosing their HIV status.
  • If you would like to serve as a representative of the Affected Community, you must disclose your HIV statu