Please fill out the survey below to inform us of your current disease issues and management strategies. This information will be compiled and used to inform the survey for orchid diseases. No information concerning your name or contact will be used.

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* 1. Please enter your Name, Business name, and contact email

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* 2. Do you produce Orchids?

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* 3. Do you produce cut flower, potted orchids, or both?

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* 4. Which types of orchids do you produce?
(This question may be hard to answer for growers who produce a wide range of orchids. If that is the case for your business please list the types of orchids which you produce in the highest quantities and note that you produce a large amount of that type. If you have an idea of how many varieties [is this varieties/grexes within each type (e.g. multiple hybrids of phalaenopsis), or simply type (e.g. phalaenopsis)?] of orchids you produce please include that number.)

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* 5. In which orchid varieties do you experience the most disease issues?

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* 6. In your opinion, what are the major biotic diseases affecting your crop? (Biotic diseases are those caused by a living organism like a fungi, bacteria, virus, mold, or nematodes. This excludes phytotoxicity, physical damage and environmental issues.)

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* 7. Please rank how you currently manage these diseases. A rating of 1 is the most used practice and a rating of 8 is least used practice. (If any practice is missed please include and rank it in the box labeled other.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Preventing diseases from entering production area (Quarantine, etc.)
Sanitation (cleaning tools, removing dead leaves etc.)
Cultural management to maintain healthy plants (fertilizer management etc.)
Physical destruction of diseased plants (throwing away diseased plants or tissue)
Environmental manipulation (temp control, etc)
Growing resistant or vigorous varieties 
Non-organic pesticides and products
Organic pesticides and products

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* 8. If comfortable doing so, please list all pesticide products used in the past 6 months. This can help determine patterns of phytotoxicity from certain pesticides.

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* 9. Are you interested in participating in the statewide survey to collect disease samples for characterization? (You will be contacted to either schedule a farm visit to collect samples or schedule a drop off of samples at your local extension office)