The Oregon Medical Association recognizes exemplary members of our community through our annual awards program. Typically, nominations are accepted during each awards cycle, and the awardees are honored at the Annual Conference in the fall. The deadline for submitting nominations is August 11, 2024.

To be eligible for an award, a candidate must be nominated by a peer, colleague, team or community member with the nomination supported by two to three individuals or organizations. The letter should include specific examples of professional and civic accomplishments to assist the OMA’s selection committee in identifying award recipients. Your letter should be written from your perspective and experience regarding the nominee, providing in detail the individual’s unique and significant contributions. Please use the guidelines linked here in crafting your letter or statement and include two or three additional nominators as signatories on your letter.

In keeping with OMA’s diversity, equity and inclusion policy, the awards committee encourages nominations that reflect the association’s commitment to inclusiveness and health equity.

OMA awards are competitive, and not all individuals nominated will be selected. Being nominated is an honor and signifies that the nominee is highly-regarded by colleagues, patients, and their community. The selection process is confidential; however, nominees who were not selected for an award will be notified of their nomination after the awards program. If a nominee is not selected during the first year of consideration, the nomination may be resubmitted again during the following two years.

Please fill out the form below to nominate a meritorious individual for the OMA Doctor-Citizen Award. You may also email your nomination to if you prefer with your name and contact information, your nominee and their contact information, a resume or CV, and a letter of recommendation signed by two or three others. If you have any questions, please email Kris Bilderback, Executive Assistant to the CEO, at Additional information about our awards can be found here: OMA Awards The deadline for submissions is August 11, 2024.
Do you know a physician who has generously donated their time to community activities and who has tirelessly worked to further medicine? If so, we encourage you to nominate the physician for the OMA’s Doctor-Citizen Award. This award, which began in 1957, recognizes the powerful impact a physician can have on our quality of life. It honors someone who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to improve the lives of their patients, to advance the practice of medicine, and to strengthen the Oregon communities in which they live and serve.

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* 1. Your Name (nominator)

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* 2. Your Email (nominator)

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* 3. Your Phone Number (nominator)

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* 4. Please provide the name of your nominee

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* 5. Please provide an email address for your nominee

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* 6. Please provide a phone number for your nominee

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* 7. Upload your nomination letter here, or add your text in the comment box below

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* 8. If you did not upload your letter in the question above, please add your nomination letter in the comment box below. 

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* 9. Please include any biographical information you have on the candidate by including a description in the field below or attaching a resume or Curriculum Vitae of your nominee (you can upload a file in the next question). Including relevant background information about your candidate will provide the selection committee with important context for why your candidate is deserving of this award.

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* 10. Upload your nominee's bio, resume or Curriculum Vitae here (if applicable) Click here for resources from the AMA to support your nominee in developing an outstanding Curriculum Vitae.

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