There's No Place like SecondHome Gift Drive

Give a gift to a student to make their holiday full of cheer!

SecondHome is a program that partners unaccompanied youth with a volunteer host home in the community. For the holidays we asked students what their dream gift would be and need you to make their wish come true!
Check out our Amazon Wishlist where you can order needed items directly to our office:
If you want to include a generic note that is okay, but please no contact information. 
Gifts can be lightly used in good condition. 
Questions? Contact Nicole at 509-993-9452 or
To make a financial donation instead: 
1. Go to EMO Oregon website 
2. Press GIVE
3. Donate using your preferred method
4. In the comments write "for SecondHome Holiday Gift Drive" 
1.What is your name? 
2.What will you be giving today? *please see Amazon Wishlist
3.How will we receive your gift?
4.What is your address if you need us to pick it up? 
5.Please provide some days/times we can pick it up:
6.Please provide your phone number and email: 
7.What is the best mailing address to send a thank you card to? *note this optional
8.Would you like a tax receipt? Please add best mailing address to send to.