In observance of National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD) The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County and its community partners are hosting an Awareness Day Challenge. NYHAAD is observed each year on April 10th to educate the public about the impact of HIV on young people and to highlight the work that young people are doing across the country to respond to the HIV epidemic.

1 in 4 of new HIV infections occur in youth ages 13-24. 60% of youth with HIV don’t know they are infected, are not getting treated and may pass the virus to others. Young people all over the country are involved in thousands of HIV prevention efforts. Are you HIV Aware? What do you want to tell the world about HIV? Express yourself creatively with a video, photo, meme, music/song, dance, spoken-word/rap to show your HIV Awareness.
Rules for Entry
1. Participants are to be 12-19 years of age
2. Groups can have a maximum of 3 members

3. Challenge entries can be video, photo, meme, music/song, dance, spoken-word/rap.

4. Must be posted between April 1- 10, 2021 on only one social media platform: Tik Tok or Instagram

5. No profanity, lewd or overtly sexual content

6. Entries must contain an HIV Prevention message or call to action and must be scientifically accurate

7. Must be respectful of race, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity diversity

8. Entries must contain #HIVAware305 hashtag and at least one of the following hashtags: #NYHAAD, #EndingtheHIVEpidemic, #MakeHIVHistory

9. Entries will be evaluated from April 11- 29, 2021 and winners will be announced on April 30, 2021 on Participants will also be contacted individually.

Resources for Entry Participants

CDC-Youth and HIV



Please contact Anita Harris at or at (786) 559-3720