Applications Due October 18th.

Press Corps Members will be responsible for creating media content highlighting the efforts of their peers.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 6. Your Cell Phone Number, or main contact phone number.  Please include only the numbers, no hyphens or parentheses. For example please enter 5551234567 not (555) 123-4567

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* 7. Your Email.  Please make sure it is spelled correctly, as this will be the way you receive communication about the program.  Please do not use a school based email address, as most have strong filters and often filter out our emails.

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* 8. Please describe your Media experience or qualifications, including listing any software, photography, writing, editing, or other related skills or certifications.

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* 9. What aspects of the media are you most interested in working on?

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* 10. Are there any specific ideas you have or suggestions you wish to make about the media program?