Starr Whitehouse is excited to be working with the Town of Hamlin and NYPA on the enhancement of Scout Park. The project goals are to improve existing programming as well as introducing new programs, support local community use, enhance the parks ecology, and plan for a sustainable future. We value your feedback--thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey!

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1. How often do you go to Scout Park?

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2. If you chose never please specify why.

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3. If you do visit Scout Park

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4. If you go to Scout Park, do you go in the winter?

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5. How do you get to Scout Park?

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6. What do you do when you come to Scout Park? (select all that apply)

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7. What do you like the most about Scout Park?

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8. What do you like the least about Scout Park?

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9. Do you fish at Scout Park?

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10. If so, what time of year do you fish at Scout Park?

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11. If you fish at Scout Park, do you prefer to use the

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12. Please rank your top 5 favorite possible park amenities for Scout Park from most favorite to least favorite:

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13. Why did you choose the amenity you ranked as #1 ?

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14. If you chose Other, please specify here.

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15. Is there anything else you think is important for us to know about Scout Park?

We'd like to know more about the people who use Scout Park. Please provide as much information as you would like below. All information given will be kept confidential.

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16. What is your age?

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17. What is your gender?

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18. What street do you live on?

Thank you for taking our survey!