The City of Pinole Youth Programs Survey

1.What AFTERSCHOOL classes or activities would you like to see offered for the youth ages 3-12 years old?(Required.)
2.What AFTERSCHOOL SPORTS classes would you like to see offered?(Required.)
3.What time frame would you like for the AFTERSCHOOL classes or activities to be offered?(Required.)
4.What SUMMER CAMP PROGRAMS and SPORTS activities would you like to see offered?(Required.)
5.What types of SUMMER CAMPS are you most interested in your child(ren)(Required.)
6.We are developing monthly/bimonthly theme workshops and special events.  There will be a fee charge for this service and online registration will be required.  Please check all that are of interest to you and your child(ren)(Required.)
7.What factors prevent you from signing up your child(ren) for any AFTERSCHOOL activities and SUMMER CAMPS?(Required.)
8.What factors influenced your decisions in choosing the activities for your child(ren)?(Required.)
9.What is the age of your child(ren)?(Required.)
10.There is a minimum of 6 classes per session and class fees vary per instructor. Below are examples of class fees.  Choose which of the examples of class fee will best work with your needs when considering signing up your child for AFTERSCHOOL activities.(Required.)
Current Progress,
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