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Thank you for taking a few minutes during your time here in the school to complete this short survey. We very much value the views of our parents and your feedback will help inform the decisions we make in innovating and improving the education received by our students here at school.

Question Title

* 1. Do you hold Ballakermeen High School in high regard as an educational institution?

Question Title

* 2. Would you recommend Ballakermeen High School to other prospective parents?

Question Title

* 3. Based on your child's progress and your discussions with them, are you happy with the overall quality of the education your son/daughter has received so far in Year 11?

Question Title

* 4. Based on discussions with your son/daughter, which subjects do you feel particularly good progress has been made? (Please state any reasons for your choices in the section at the end of the question).

Question Title

* 5. In which subject(s) (if any) do you think your son/daughter has not made the progress you would have expected? (Please state any reasons for your choices in the section at the end of the question).

Question Title

* 6. Do you find the additional attendance information on the report useful?

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* 7. Is the colour coding on the additional attendance information on the report useful?

Question Title

* 8. How well do you think your son/daughter has been supported in their studies by their tutor and Key Stage 4 Team? (Please state any reasons for your choice in the section at the end of the question)

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* 9. Based on your child's progress and your discussions with them, are you satisfied with the amount and nature of homework set for your son/daughter in Year 11?

Question Title

* 10. As a parent, do you feel the school keeps you well informed about the progress your son/daughter is making in their studies and about wider school issues? (Please state any reasons for your choice in the section at the end of the question)

Question Title

* 11. How often do you access the following? 

  Very regularly - every day Regularly - at least every week Intermittently - at least every month Occasionally - a few times a year Never
School Website
School Facebook Page
School Twitter Feed

Question Title

* 12. Are there any comments you would like to make with regards to our reporting system? Is the information you receive understandable, informative and useful?

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* 13. If there are any other comments or suggestions you would like to make about the experience your son/daughter has had in Year 11 here at Ballakermeen High School please state it below.

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