Important information - Read me First

We kindly request that you please complete the information requested in the template, taking into consideration: 
Thematic areas: the session should relate to strategy, coordination and partnerships at global and/or country levels.  

Target audiences: the session should focus on global initiatives (e.g. Road Map, Gap Analysis) and/or country initiatives (e.g. new ways of working, public health emergencies). National WASH Cluster Coordination Platforms and WASH Humanitarian partners are the main audiences.

Content: the session should focus on sectoral and/or inter-sectoral initiatives and collaborations at either the global or country level.  

Design: the session should strive to ensure that it is as engaging and interactive as possible. 
Note that:  
  • No event registration or ICT support will be provided by the GWC to host the sessions.
  • The GWC will only provide support for the general communications and dissemination of the programme agenda.
  • Each session should not last longer than 60 minutes. 

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Email Address:

Question Title

* 3. Organisation:

Question Title

* 4. Country:

Question Title

* 5. Suggested Session Title:

Question Title

* 6. Hosting Agency/Agencies:

Question Title

* 7. Session description (max. 300 words)
  • Objective 
  • Content 
  • Expected Outcomes 
  • Next steps

Question Title

* 8. Target Audience

Question Title

* 9. Session Structure (max 50 words)

  • Presentations 
  • Panel discussion 
  • Break-out groups  
  • Group discussion 
  • Q & A

Question Title

* 10. Useful links / additional materials online (if applicable):

Question Title

* 11. Comms and Media - In addition to GWC comms on the event, what comms and media activities will you undertake to promote the session as well?