1. You, your experiences and beliefs (18 mins)

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50% of survey complete.
This page introduces "the Windmill Attack" and asks for your experience involving high-conflict divorces and your perspective on litigation vs. mediation as the path to the divorce.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. In your view, in the divorce, compared to mediators, do lawyers

  -3 Reduce a lot -1 Reduce a little 0 no difference +1 Increase a little +3 Increase a lot
increase or reduce the amount of friction between the parents
increase or reduce the amount of accusations between the parents
increase or reduce the amount of litigation between the parents
increase or reduce the time taken
increase or reduce the costs involved
increase or reduce the damage to children
increase or reduce the long-term damage to relationships

Question Title

* 3. Do you know that

  I already did I know now I disagree
The Divorce Act of 1979 removes fault as a reason for divorce?
The Children's Act of 2005 prohibits litigation between spouses in the divorce?
The Children's Act of 2005 promotes 50|50 contact and shared residence?
The Children's Act of 2005 prohibits the denial of access?
The Children's Act of 2005 gives parents equal rights?
The Domestic Violence Act of 1998 prohibits the economic and emotional abuse of a spouse?
Lawyers sell a black-market strategy in the divorce called a "windmill attack"?

Question Title

* 4. If you and your co-parent live in permanently separate households,

  No Yes
did you share a common household before?
did both parents go to parental training / counselling before the split?
was there domestic violence before?
did someone move out, perhaps after a fight?
was a lawyer involved?
was mediation tried?
was there a custody battle?
was a protection order involved?
was a parent's contact supervised?
was a forensic report involved?
was there denial of access?
was a child removed by the State?
were there criminal complaints/charges?
was there a parenting plan?
was there a Rule 43?
was there a report from the Family Advocate?
did it go to the High Court?
is there a case manager?
did a parent end up losing contact / relationship with a child?
was this after 1 July 2007?

Question Title

* 5. In 10 divorces since 1 July 2007 that you know of, how many

  0 1 - 3 4 - 6 7 - 9 10 Don't know
began with a fight and someone moving out?
involved lawyers?
tried mediation and failed?
involved a custody battle?
involved protection orders?
involved forensic reports?
involved denial of access?
involved criminal charges?
involved a parenting plan?
involved the Children's Court?
involved a Rule 43?
involved the Family Advocate?
went to the High Court?
ended with a parent losing contact / relationship with a child?

Question Title

* 6. In your recent experience in South Africa, out of 10

  0 1 - 3 4 - 6 7 - 9 10 Don't know
lawyers, how many do you think might ask a social worker for a slanted report?
social workers, how many do you think might offer a lawyer a slanted report?
divorcing men, how many do you think will make false accusations?
divorcing women, how many do you think will make false accusations?
divorcing men, how many obtain false protection orders?
divorcing women, how many obtain false protection orders?
divorcing men, how many deny access to the child?
divorcing women, how many deny access to the child?
forensic reports to court, how many are ethical, professional and fair?
forensic reports to court, how many are biased?
children in divorces, how many of them are damaged by the conflict?
divorces, how many involved the Family Advocate?
divorces, how many went to the High Court?
divorces, how many ended with a parent losing contact / relationship with a child?

Question Title

* 7. In your divorce, how well did the following act to protect you /r child from abuse? (choose the dominant example)

  -3 (Terribly) -1 (Badly) 0 (No answer) +1 (Well) +3 (Perfectly)
Social Worker/s in private practice
Social Worker/s employed by Dept. of Social Development
Social Worker/s employed by NGO etc
Child Welfare / Child Protection NGO (not the JRC)
Spouse's attorney/s
Spouse's advocate/s
Case manager/s
Your attorney/s
Your advocate/s
Spouse's Friends
Spouse's Family
Legal Aid
Children's Court
Magistrate's Court
High Court
Family Advocate

Question Title

* 8. In other divorces you know of, how well did the following act to protect a parent or child from abuse?

  -3 (Terribly) -1 (Badly) 0 (No answer) +1 (Well) +3 (Perfectly)
Social Worker/s in private practice
Social Worker/s from Dept. of Social Development
Social Worker/s employed by NGO etc
Child Welfare / Child Protection NGO (not the JRC)
Spouse's attorney/s
Spouse's advocate/s
Case manager/s
Your attorney/s
Your advocate/s
Spouse's Friends
Spouse's Family
Legal Aid
Children's Court
Magistrate's Court
High Court
Family Advocate

Question Title

* 9. Have you lodged a complaint or laid charges against

  No (no reason) Not yet Yes
a Magistrate
a Prosecutor
a Police officer
a Social Worker in private practice
a Social Worker employed by Dept. of Social Development
a Social Worker employed by NGO
a Psychologist
Child Welfare / a Child Protection NGO (not the JRC)
Spouse's attorney
Spouse's advocate
a Mediator
a Case manager
Your attorney
Your advocate
a Spouse's Friend
a Spouse's Family
Legal Aid
a Children's Court
a Magistrate's Court
a High Court
a Family Advocate or Family Counsellor