We are seek­ing your feed­back, ideas and input to inform poten­tial upgrades for Frank McEl­lis­ter Com­mu­ni­ty Park, often known local­ly as Aralu­en Park. As an impor­tant park in the open space net­work, Frank McEl­lis­ter Com­mu­ni­ty Park must cater to peo­ple of all ages, needs and abil­i­ties. The Park must pro­vide oppor­tu­ni­ty to exer­cise, con­nect with nature, encour­age social inter­ac­tion and have sup­port­ing infra­struc­ture to encour­age peo­ple to stay.

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* 1. How often do you visit Frank McEllister Community Park?

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* 2. How important are the following as features of Frank McEllister Community Park?

  Not important at all Less important Neutral Important Extremely important
Natural features
Improved shade structure
Exercise opportunities
Social arbour
Multicultural representation
Picnic areas (tables, seating)
Walking paths
Drinking water bubblers
Shade & Structures

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* 3. How important is it for the project to increase shade throughout the park?

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* 4. What is your preference for shade?

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* 5. Where do you think shade should be incorporated within the park? (Select one or multiple)

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* 6. Instead of building a shade structure, the project could focus on planting trees to increase canopy and shade in the long term, and instead allocate funds to improving the play space

Which would you prefer Council prioritize: shade structure or improved play space?

Play Spaces
Different age groups within the playground have different needs and preferences. We want to know how to best cater to the diverse needs of different groups.

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Different play space elements that suit different ages

Different play space elements that suit different ages

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* 7. Do you prefer:

Below are some potential park elements that could be incorporated into the design of the park, with a focus on creating a community-friendly space. Please select any that appeal to you or share any other ideas you have.

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* 8. Toddlers design elements

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* 9. Would you support secured fencing around a separate toddler play area?

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* 10. 5-13 Years design elements:

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* 11. Teenagers design elements:

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* 12. Seniors design elements:

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* 13. Family design elements:

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* 14. How important are the following kinds of play space:

  Not important at all Less important Neutral Important Extremely important
Active play spaces for sports and recreation
Play equipment and playgrounds
Nature play (exploration to water, plants, gravel, boulders, twigs for free play)
Unstructured Space - allowing children to engage in free play and physical activities of their choice
Water play features (splash pads, fountains, other timed water activities)
Interactive and educational play elements (such as sensory gardens or educational panels)

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* 15. How important are the following elements for play equipment:

  Not at all important Less important Neutral Important Extremely important
Themed (ie. Pirate, Castle, Desert, Jungle)
Incorporates water
Community Space

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* 16. How important do you think it is to include shaded benches and seats away from the main play space?

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* 17. What would make you want to stay longer at the Park? (In addition to the playground and play space)

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* 18. Exercise equipment could be aggregated so people can exercise together, or separated and placed in different areas along the footpath in a 'fitness trail'. What would you prefer:

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* 19. What additional safety features would you like to see?

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* 20. Can you think of play equipment, landscape features, plants, artwork or sports from different cultures that could be incorporated into the park? Are there any features or elements from around the world that you’d like to see in the Park?

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* 21. Please share any additional ideas or suggestions below: