Electrical Contractors Survey

Electrical Contractors Survey

Please take this quick survey if you are planning to attend the Electrical Contractors Listening Session on November 17 from 3-4pm. Your feedback will help us understand how Senate Bill 6126 affects you and other electricians, so that we might better address your concerns.

Register for the virtual listening session here – https://bit.ly/3D2n6yC
1.Are you a Journey Level (01) Electrician who performs commercial electrical work, or employ 01 electricians or trainees who perform 01 work?
2.Did you attend a registered apprenticeship program?
3.Does your business currently employ trainees?
4.Are your businesses’ trainees enrolled in a registered apprenticeship program?
5.Are you a training agent for an existing registered apprenticeship program?
6.Is there a registered apprenticeship program located in the county where your business is located?
7.What is the distance to the nearest registered apprenticeship program?
8.Did you create your own apprenticeship program?
9.Based on your experience, how easy or difficult is it to erect an apprenticeship program?
Select a number:  1 = most easy, and 10 = most difficult
1 - Very Easy
4 - Somewhat Easy
7 - Somewhat Difficult
10 - Very Difficult
10.What are you most concerned about as it relates to these new electrical apprenticeship requirements?