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The New York Council on Problem Gambling (NYCPG) and the Problem Gambling Resource Centers (PGRC) are working to Shine A Light on Problem Gambling.  Part of this effort is to encourage communities and landmarks to join our efforts in bringing awareness to our mission.   We are reaching out to our trusted partners and community champions to support our efforts.  The wider our reach, the more likely we are to reach those affected negatively by problem gambling.  As  a final culmination of our efforts, NYCPG will be applying to have the Empire State Building light up on March 14th, 2023 to illuminate our services for those in NYS.   If you are interested in supporting us by sharing the event information, please complete the survey below. Thank you in advance for your consideration.  We look forward to sharing our combined efforts at our annual conference on March 8th and 9th 2023.  Please send any questions to

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* 1. Will you be interested in supporting the efforts of the New York Council on Problem Gambling (NYCPG) to light up the Empire State Building for Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM)?

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* 2. Please enter the contact information of main point person.

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* 3. Will you send out a newsletter to partners sharing information about the campaign?

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* 4. Will you share/post graphics and links on your social media platforms to share the Shine A Light Campaign?

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* 5. Will you share on your agency webpage?

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* 6. Will you send out an email to community partners about the event and to encourage participation?

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* 7. Will you attend a lighting event on March 14th, 2023?

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* 8. Will you share with your media contacts and/or have a press release?

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* 9. Do you have any local suggestions on landmarks that will be interested to participate in the Shine A Light efforts?

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* 10. Are there any other ways you will participate to share the event on behalf of NYCPG?

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