Designs by Jessalyn Customer Survey

Send a screenshot of your completed survey to from the email you'd like your coupon code emailed to. 
1.Have you purchased from in the last year?
2.If you said "yes" what factors influenced your purchase?
3.If you said "no", what factors influenced your choice not to make a purchase?
4.What price are you willing to pay for a unique accessory item?
5.What color metal do you wear most often for your accessories?
6.How did you hear about Designs by Jessalyn jewelry & accessories?
7.Where do you most often shop for accessories? Select all that apply.
8.What is your age?
9.How do you identify? 
10.What are you hoping to see from Designs by Jessalyn in 2024? This can be anything: products, photoshoot themes, social media content, etc.