Please complete this form by 12noon on Friday 29 June

With the help of ESB and Iarnród Éireann, PRII are planning a fun day out this summer for members, the kind of day PR people frequently organise for others but rarely for themselves.

The plan is, on Saturday 21 July, to travel - in our very own train carriage - kindly provided by Iarnród Éireann, to the ESB Ardnacrusha Experience in Shannon, kindly organised by ESB.

Once inside the massive station, tour guides and animations tell the story and impact of this iconic project. PRII visitors will be given access to the very heart of the station with unique views of the huge turbine hall and a visit to the original control room. And outdoors there are the largest canal locks in Ireland and food, music and face-painting!

These days a power outage after a storm is a major crisis, so it’s hard to image what Ireland was like before 1929 and the Shannon electrification scheme. Ardnacrusha was the beginning of a huge success, bringing cheap electricity to Irish people for the first time and paving the way for the national Rural Electrification Scheme 20 years later and, you could say, kick-starting modern Ireland.

And the PRII has a connection (pun intended!). It was ESB PR man, Ned Lawler, the first President of the PRII, who first led the public tours of Ardnacrusha in 1928, with most travelling by train, welcoming over 85,000 visitors in the first nine months! Last year, the ESB revived this tradition with the opening of the Ardnacrusha Experience to celebrate the company’s 90 years.

Now we would like to honour that forefather of Irish public relations and the PRII and have a fun day out at the same time. We leave Saturday morning, not too early and are back in the evening, not too late.

Expression of Interest:

The cost will be €10 per adult, €5 per child and €20 for a family of four. Yes for the whole trip! Thanks to the generosity of the ESB and Iarnród Éireann.

If you are interested in joining us or bringing family please let us know how many adults and children in your party using the form below.

Question Title

* 1. PRII Member Name

Question Title

* 2. I am interested in going on the PRII Family Day Out with...

Question Title

* 3. PRII Member Email Address