Welcome to the SITE Florida & Caribbean - Stakeholder Engagement Survey

SITE Florida & Caribbean is committed to excellence in event sustainability. We have adopted a sustainable event planning system which is certified to meet the ISO 20121 International Standards for Event Sustainability Management System.

We pledge to support the ISO principles: Integrity, Stewardship, Inclusivity, Transparency, Positive Legacy and Safe work environment.

We pledge to honor the sustainability values by improving upon the environmental, social and economic impacts of all our events.

We value your input! This stakeholder engagement survey is an integral part of the ISO compliance process and allows us to consider your sustainability needs, requests and opinions as we plan this event.

Please take a moment to answer these 13 questions.

Thank you for your input and support of our sustainability initiative.

Your SITE Florida & Caribbean Sustainability Team.

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* 2. Do you support our commitment to our vision, principles and values for preserving and protecting environmental, social and economic conditions impacted by our organization?

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* 3. Will you support our sustainability guidelines listed in the Participant & Exhibitor Checklist on our website? (Guidelines include suggestions such as carpooling to events, using recycle bins, minimizing paper handouts, turning off lights when not in use, donating left-over food, reusing signage and other materials, etc.)

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* 4. Do you plan to support a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activity at this event?

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* 5. Please let us know how many total miles you will fly round-trip for this event.

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* 6. Which of the following environmental AIR QUALITY issues are you most concerned about, for this event?

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* 7. Which of the following environmental WASTE management issues are you most concerned about, for this event?

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* 8. Which of the following environmental ENERGY management issues are you most concerned about, for this event?

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* 9.
Which of the following environmental WATER management issues are you most concerned about, for this event?

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* 10. Which of the following SOCIAL and ECONOMIC issues are you most concerned about, for this event?

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* 11. Do you know of any legal or regulatory requirements related to sustainability issues that should be addressed for this event? If yes, please explain the comment box.

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* 12. Do you have any sustainability requirements or requests for this event? If yes, please explain in the comment box.

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* 13. Would you like us to get back to you about any sustainability issues? If yes, please explain and enter your name and email address in the comment box.