Coquitlam Chorale - Spring 2021 Hobby Choir Survey Question Title * 1. Would you be interested in returning to sing with the Chorale in the Spring as a "hobby choir" - singing for fun, but not working towards a performance. All members would be required to wear clear protective face shields (provided by the Chorale) and social distancing would be mandatory and strictly enforced. Yes No Unsure Question Title * 2. Would you be willing to pay between $100 to $120 in membership fees to participate in the hobby choir from January to April 2021? Yes No Question Title * 3. Would you be willing to pay between $120 to $140 in membership fees to participate in the hobby choir from January to April 2021? Yes No Question Title * 4. Would you be willing to pay between $140 to $160 in membership fees to participate in the hobby choir from January to April 2021? Yes No Question Title * 5. Would you be willing to pay between $160 to $180 in membership fees to participate in the hobby choir from January to April 2021? Yes No Question Title * 6. Would you be willing to pay between $180 to $200 in membership fees to participate in the hobby choir from January to April 2021? Yes No Done