2023-24 Season - Coaching Information Form

Please complete each of the following sections:

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* 1. Complete Personal Information

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* 2. Please provide your USA Hockey Membership # for the 2023-24 Season (effective 9/1/2023-8/31/2024). To register now, go to membership.usahockey.com (format example: 248201017NELSO )

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* 4. Check the highest level of USA Hockey CEP certification you've completed (Go to USAHockey's coach lookup https://cepsearch.usahockey.com/)

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* 5. Please provide the following summary information regarding your hockey coaching experience.

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* 6. Please provide information on your last 3 hockey coaching experiences, starting with the most current.

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* 7. Provide information regarding other sports in which you've coached.

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* 8. Provide information regarding sports you've played.

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* 9. Please provide any additional relevant work experience (ex. teacher, trainer, etc.)

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* 10. Please provide any additional relevant training/certification (ex. other sports, seminars, etc.).