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The Last Straw of the Great Barrier Reef SRP effectiveness

On behalf of The Last Straw of GBR and Tangaroa Blue Foundation, we would like to ask you a few questions to know how effective is our project in reducing plastic straws in the environment and assess the best way to go forward.

By participating in this study, representatives have the chance to express their feedback, concerns and raise awareness on the current state of marine plastic pollution in Australia.

All the participants will remain anonymous and all the data will be confidential and non-identifiable unless otherwise stated by the participant. During data analysis, participants will be given a de-identifiable code that will give anonymity to all the participants.

Participants will be informed via email of the final results of the completed project in December 2022.

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* 1. Please provide your business full name and location below.

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* 2. Start date of when your business stopped using single-use plastic straws and converted to alternatives (such as paper, reusable or going straw-free) straws


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* 3. Is your business still using alternatives to single-use plastic straws? What sort of alternative straw do you currently provide? Mark only one oval.

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* 4. Can you explain briefly why your business has not continued on its plastic straw-free journey? Tick all that apply.

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* 5. What is the method you use? I provide plastic or alternative straws when (choose the one that best fits):

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* 6. Has the Last Straw of the GBR movement informed your decision? Mark only one oval.

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* 7. When you registered with The Last Straw on the GBR, we asked how many plastic straws your business used to use per Annum. In order to determine if a reduction of single-use items has occurred through the influence of the movement, we need to know how many straws (paper, plastic or other) business now purchases PER Annum? **Most important question!

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* 8. Is the alternative to plastic straws (e.g., paper straws) cost-effective for your business situation? Mark only one oval.

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* 9. Based on the information you provided, can you specify how much is the cost-saving or extra-expense compared to what you used to spend on straws before (answer with $ including GST PER ANNUM)?

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* 10. How frequently do customers ask for straws? Choose the answer that is closer to your answer. Mark only one oval.

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