Wayne Township is starting the process to update our Growth Management Plan (a vision for the future of the township and a guide to help direct and focus future development).
To kick-off this process we want to hear from YOU, the community, about your values, ideas, and vision for the future of Wayne Township. This feedback will help provide a foundation for the plan that will be further explored and developed through the planning process.
Please tell us about Wayne Township in response to the questions below:

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* 1. What makes Wayne Township unique and special?

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* 2. What do you identify as the biggest assets in Wayne Township?

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* 3. Are there areas in the Township that should be preserved and protected?

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* 4. What should be the biggest priorities for Wayne Township in the next 10 years? Choose no more than three.

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* 5. What type of improvements do you believe should be a priority in Wayne Township?

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* 6. Are there uses or experiences that are currently NOT available here?

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* 7. Which areas do you think are struggling and need attention?

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* 8. What are the biggest challenges Wayne Township and its communities are facing?

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* 9. What concerns do you have about future changes to the use of land or growth in Wayne Township?

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* 10. Do you live in Wayne Township or one of its communities? 

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* 11. What is your age?

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* 12. What is your gender?

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* 13. What is your race?

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* 14. If you would like to be contacted about future surveys and public meetings, please provide your preferred contact below.