Town of Fort Frances - Feedback Opportunity - Municipal Alcohol Policy

Alcohol at Municipal Facilities - and Outdoor Public Places

The Town of Fort Frances would like you to share feedback about alcohol consumption at Municipal Facilities and Outdoor Public Places.  Town Staff will report back to Council with a public engagement summary for Council consideration of changes to the Municipal Alcohol Policy.  The Municipal Alcohol Policy promotes a safe and responsible management of alcohol at events held in municipal facilities and/or on municipal land. 

1.Do you support  the permitting of alcohol sales at the Memorial Sport Centre (Arena) during events
2.Do you believe that alcohol should be served at family events
3.Do you believe that alcohol should be served at the arena
4.Do you believe that alcohol consumption enhances or detracts from the overall enjoyment of family events at the arena?
5.In what locations do you think permitting alcohol is appropriate for events?  (select all that apply)
6.If alcohol is permitted, should there be a designated area for drinking, or should it be available throughout ?
7.Should alcohol be restricted in wading pools, splash pads, skateboard parks  
8.Would the serving of alcohol at an event restrict or limit your willingness/ability to attend the event?
9.Please tell us from which point of view you are answering this survey (please select ONE answer that is most accurate)
10.What is your age?