Anonymous Survey

Thank you for taking the time to click on this survey and provide your input for Mahdlo Youth Zone.

Your feedback will assist us in an effort to secure valuable funding that is vital for us in helping to shape our work with young people and their families and identify needs of families too.
1.How many times a week do you or your child visit Mahdlo?(Required.)
2.What activities do you or your child take part in? What do you like about that activity?(Required.)
3.How do you feel that you and your children benefit from coming to Mahdlo?(Required.)
4.What could we do to make Mahdlo a better place for you and your family?
5.How many people live in your household?(Required.)
6.Does anybody in your household have additional needs?(Required.)
7.Do you live in:(Required.)
8.Did you know that you can talk to Mahdlo staff if you have any worries or concerns?(Required.)
9.Do you feel you can share any worries and concerns with the staff at Mahdlo?(Required.)
10.Do you have any additional stresses that you would like to talk to somebody about?(Required.)
11.Have you accessed/ received any additional support in the last 12 months?(Required.)
12.How did this support help you?
13.What else can Mahdlo do to help you?
14.What is your Ethnicity?
15.What is your age?
16.Thinking about your household do you consider yourself: