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* 1. What is your gender?

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. Hospital / Unit

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* 5. Staff Role

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* 6. Employment Position

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* 7. How many years of clinical experience do you have ?

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* 8. How many transplant procedures are done annually in your centre?

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* 9. Which organs do you and your team deal with ?

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* 10. How many deceased LIVER transplant procedures are done annually in your centre?

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* 11. How many deceased KIDNEY transplant procedures are done annually in your centre?

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* 12. How many pancreas transplantations are done annually in your centre ?

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* 13. Do you have a donation after circulatory death (DCD) transplant program in your centre ?

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* 14. Are you familiar with machine perfusion technology ?

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* 15. How experienced or involved have you been in machine perfusion ?

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* 16. Do you have a specific clinical/scientific committee in your centre or department, who decides what preservation or perfusion strategy to implement ?

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* 17. What perfusion techniques or strategies are routinely performed in your centre (please select more than one answer if appropriate) ?

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* 18. Did your centre participate or have you recently participated in a multicentre clinical trial on machine perfusion ?

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* 19. Did your centre initiate or lead a clinical trial in machine perfusion ?

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* 20. Are you aware of a person or a group in your centre, who performs experimental research on machine perfusion ?

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* 21. If there is experimental research, please specify accordingly.

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* 22. How many organs are declined in your institution annually? Please select percentage.

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* 23. What is the main reason to decline a Liver in your centre ? 

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* 24. What is the second main reason to decline a Liver in your centre ? (chose a different answer please)

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* 25. What is the main reason to decline a kidney in your centre ?

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* 26. What is the second main reason to decline a kidney in your centre ? Please select a different answer.

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* 27. What is your main expectation from new machine perfusion technology (or what would you want to be improved) – please select the most important one from the list.

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* 28. What is your second most important expectation from new machine perfusion technology (or what would you want to be improved) – please select a different one from the list.

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* 29. What would you consider as acceptable price for one perfusion device ?

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* 30. What would you consider as acceptable price for one disposable for organ perfusion (one organ perfusion)?

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* 31. How should the perfusion device be financed ?

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* 32. Which entity should finance machine perfusion technology ?

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* 33. Considering the available research data do you think machine perfusion technology should be integrated into routine clinical practice with full comissioning ?

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* 34. Are there relevant limitations to implement machine perfusion technology in your country or centre ?

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* 35. Please select the main reason that precludes the implementation of machine perfusion in your centre.

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* 36. Do you think machine perfusion technology increases the utilisation of riskier organs ?

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* 37. Which organ perfusion modality would be the best to increase the utilisation of riskier organs ?

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* 38. For what type of donors or LIVERS would you consider machine perfusion routinely ?

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* 39. For what type of donor KIDNEYS would you consider machine perfusion routinely ?

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* 40. Which organ perfusion modality would be the best to protect liver recipients from ischemic cholangiopathy (incl. ITBL, NAS, IC) ?

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* 41. Which organ perfusion modality would be the best to protect kidney recipients from rejection, delayed graft function and graft loss ?

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* 42. Do you think normothermic perfusion is equally protective from reperfusion injury if applied instead of cold storage (with device transport) or after cold storage in the recipient centre ?

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* 43. At your centre do you base the decision to accept or decline an organ for transplantation on specific viability criteria assessed during machine perfusion ?

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* 44. Please state which main viability parameter / criteria you follow during organ machine perfusion.

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* 45. Do you consider perfusate Lactate (measured during machine perfusion) as reliable parameter to decide to accept a liver for transplantation or not ?

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* 46. Please add further comments or suggestions. 

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