Knox County Youth Needs Assessment

1.How old are you?
2.What is your current grade level?
3.What school do you attend?(Required.)
4.I am very active in my school (school activities, clubs, sports, etc.)(Required.)
Highly Disagree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Highly Agree
5.In what extracurricular activities do you participate?(Required.)
6.What limits you from participating in extracurricular and/or social activities (select all that apply)?
7.From this list, what do you believe are the five(5) issues of greatest concern to the well being of youth (age 0-18) in Knox County.(Required.)
8.If you could make one change to make things better for youth in Knox County, what would it be?
9.Please list any issues, programs or activities we didn’t mention that impact you or someone you know.
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered