Patient Safety and Quality Assurance Symposium

The Landscape of Workload Assessment of Canadian Pathologists
Saturday July 9, 1700-1800

Catherine Ross, McMaster University (Moderator)
Diponkar Banerjee, Eastern Ontario Regional Laboratory Association (EORLA) and The Ottawa Hospital
Laurette Geldenhuys, Dalhousie University
Raymond Maung, Royal Inland Hospital
Martin Trotter, University of British Columbia

Objectives: At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

1. Explain what pathologists do.
2. Describe workload determination.
3. Discuss impact of increased workload.
4. Discuss relation to patient safety.

The panelists discussed:
- Are there/should there be defined workload limits for Canadian pathologists?
- What is the evidence that workload and reporting quality are related?
- Are there risks to patient and/or pathologists associated with producing workload standards?‎

Question Title

* 1. Please take a few minutes of your time to evaluate the scientific session.

  Yes No
Session objectives as stated above were adequately met.
The session met my expectations.
The session content was relevant and/or applicable to my work.
Adequate time was allocated for questions/discussion/interaction.
I would like to have had this session recorded for future viewing/listening.

Question Title

* 2. Outcomes: As a result of attending this session, I am planning to:

  Yes No
Discuss with Colleagues
Pursue additional learning activities
Complete a personal learning project
Change my practice

Question Title

* 3. If you answered yes, please indicate/describe what additional learning or knowledge you intend to pursue:

Question Title

* 4. If you answered yes, please indicate what changes you intend to integrate into practice: