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COPD Support Ireland - Members survey

As part of our ongoing commitment to continuous service improvement we wish to understand how satisfied our members are with the service we currently deliver and how we can improve this service in achieving our vision of people living with COPD "living the life they wish to live." 

This survey is anonymous and all data will be treated in compliance with GDPR regulations.  Results of this survey will provide the foundation for planning the future of the organization and we wish to enhance the services we offer based on the needs of our community of members. 
COPD Support Ireland wish to hear the voice of every member, and we will share the results with you all once the survey has been completed on Thursday 17th March 2022 and the data collated. Should you have any questions or require further information on this, please email
The survey should take approximately 5 -10 minutes to complete. 
Thank you in advance for your time,

Joan Johnston, General Manager
on behalf of the Board of Directors, COPD Support Ireland

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* 1. What type of member are you to COPD Support Ireland?

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* 2. What COPD Support Ireland services do you participate in or engage with? Please tick all that apply

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* 3. How did you find out about COPD Support Ireland?

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* 4. Since becoming a member of COPD Support Ireland, do you feel it has benefited you in your day to day life?

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* 5. From the below, which do you prioritize most as a local COPD Support Ireland member?

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* 6. As a member of COPD Support Ireland, what would you like to see more of in the future?

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* 7. What is the biggest challenge living with COPD poses to you currently? 

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* 8. Name one thing that COPD Support Ireland can do to achieve our vision that "people living with COPD, live the life they wish to live"?

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* 9. If you were to chose one thing that COPD Support Ireland and/or your local COPD Support group does well, what would that be?

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* 10. If you were to chose one thing that COPD Support Ireland and/or your local COPD Support group could do better, what would that be?

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* 11. On a scale of one (very unlikely) to ten (extremely likely) how likely are you to recommend COPD Support Ireland to family, friends and/or healthcare professionals?

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* 12. How many COPD Support Ireland exercise classes do you think you have attended either in person or virtual since you joined?

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* 13. Do you have an additional comments?

0 of 13 answered