NIEBNA.VISION is an Urban Design Plan, intended to create a shared vision for the future of the Nicollet Island / East Bank neighborhood.  We are gathering input from a diverse range of residents and community stakeholders to guide the design of the Neighborhood's public realm.  We need to hear from you how you would like this neighborhood to change in both the short term and the long term.  Your thoughtful answers will help us envision the future of Nicollet Island and the East Bank.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What best describes your place in the neighborhood?

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* 3. Which public realm improvements are the highest priority for neighborhood residents?

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* 4. What amenities will make the neighborhood more attractive for residents and visitors?

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* 5. What problems or issues do you see in the neighborhood and how would you like to see them addressed?

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* 6. If you could change one thing about the Nicollet Island / East Bank Neighborhood's public realm (streets, sidewalks, parks, etc), what would you change?

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* 7. How should we structure our engagement process to maximize community input and constructive feedback?  Please let us know your preferred method of participation.

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* 8. Please share your name if you would like to continue participating in this process

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* 9. Please share email address if you would like to receive additional updates about this project.  This information will not be shared or used for anything other than this project.