Background Information

“The Integration of Responsible Fatherhood within Foster Care Service Delivery and Other Children and Youth Servicing Systems” is a research, policy change, and practice enhancement project.  The principal objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of a select group of children, youth, and family service organizations to increase and sustain their involvement of fathers in the lives of their children, in order to prevent and/or reduce their long term system involvement, through quality Father Engagement philosophies, policies, procedures, and protocols that improve child well-being and permanency case planning, where needed.

The project was initiated by a Stoneleigh Foundation Senior Fellow, and the Pennsylvania Chapter of NASW has served as an anchor to the project since 2012.  NASW's role has included offering workshops, publishing articles, and distributing information.  One goal of NASW's involvement was to make resources available online to its members and other community social workers to use.  We would now like your help in establishing what resources would be most helpful to you and other social workers in the field.

Question Title

* 1. Do you believe that "responsible fatherhood" and fatherhood engagement is an important area of interest that social workers should be trained in?

Question Title

* 2. Is "responsible fatherhood" and fatherhood engagement an area of interest for you as a professional social worker?

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* 3. If an online toolkit on responsible fatherhood were made available to you, which tools do you believe would be most useful for professional social workers in practice?

  Very useful Useful Somewhat useful Slightly useful Not at all useful
Research articles
Research summaries
Assessment tools
Practice tips
Methods to engage fathers
Techniques to involve agencies
Case studies
Standards of practice
Tools for staff training
Information on cultural differences
Community resources
Frequently asked questions
Links to additional online resources

Question Title

* 4. Additional comments?