Welcome to Our Survey!

Emerge Solutions is an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes cross-sector collaboration and knowledge exchange to close the poverty gap and build sustainability across communities, states and nations. You can read more about us at https://www.emergesolutions.org.

Please participate in this four-minute international survey of Bridges practitioners to help us update our directory of individuals, organizations and communities working to eradicate poverty.

This directory is an important tool Emerge Solutions members are using to build their networks; achieve goals through best practices, tools, resources and funding; and learn more about concepts like Bridges Out of Poverty and Getting Ahead.

Thank you for your time and commitment to building new futures.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. Community Role/Sector Affiliation: What sector(s) of the community do you represent as an employer, employee or volunteer? Please check all that apply to you.

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* 3. Trainer Certifications: Which trainer certifications from aha! Process do you currently hold? Please check all that apply.

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* 4. Who is the person in your community who knows the most about your local Bridges Out of Poverty initiative? This may be yourself or someone else. (If it is yourself, please re-enter your contact information. If you don't know, put "don't know" in the boxes.)

This individual will receive a follow-up questionnaire requesting more detailed information about your community's Bridges activities.

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* 5. A community of practice is defined as groups of people who share a concern or passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. Emerge Solutions’ goal is to build a virtual community of practice comprised of individuals seeking to end poverty by utilizing Bridges Out of Poverty constructs and strategies.

To this end, would you allow Emerge Solutions to post your contact information on our website? This would be accessible to members only to facilitate building a network of advocates.

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* 6. Would you be willing to join Emerge Solutions for $35/year to engage with others in this line of work? The benefits of membership are networking through our shared community of practice website, blogging opportunities, access to directory of members, links to resources you can use, educational opportunities and newsletters. Please see more at https//www.emergesolutions.org.

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* 7. Would you like to receive communications regarding Bridges Out of Poverty successes elsewhere?

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* 8. Your comment or question: