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The City of D’Iberville is updating its long-range plan to guide future growth of the city. This plan will serve as a policy guide and a decision-making tool for the Mayor and City Council with respect to new developments and the provision of services to the city. To make this plan as useful as possible, input from the community is needed.
The following survey is designed to capture the public’s perception of D’Iberville, and also allow the public to express its ideas for the future of the city. Your participation in this survey is important and will help shape the future of the community. All data gathered in this survey will be completely anonymous whereas there is no personal information requested or recorded digitally.

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* 1. Do you live within the City of D'Iberville?

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* 2. How long have you lived in D'Iberville?

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* 3. Do you operate a business in D'Iberville?

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* 4. If you moved to D'Iberville from elsewhere, which of the below factors encouraged you to do so?

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* 5. Where is your place of work located?

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* 6. Please indicate your age range:

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* 7. Do you rent or own your home?

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* 8. When you chose your home in D’Iberville, did you find a home and neighborhood that met all your desires?

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* 9. Do you see your current home as your “forever” home, or do you anticipate someday moving to a different home (for whatever reason)?

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* 10. How would you rank the quality of housing/neighborhoods in D’Iberville?

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* 11. What type of housing is most needed in D’Iberville? Please check all that apply.

*An accessory dwelling is a living space subordinate to and located on the same lot as another home. For example, a detached mother-in-law suite, or a pool house that also has complete living quarters.

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* 12. Regarding housing value, what is most needed in D’Iberville?

The following questions concern community services:
Police Services:

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* 13. As a resident of D’Iberville, do you feel safe in the community?

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* 14. Are you aware of, or perceive, any emerging issues in the community that threaten your feeling of personal safety in D’Iberville?

Fire Protection Services:

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* 15. Do you believe the current level of fire protection within D’Iberville is adequate?

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* 16. Have you ever had the occasion to call on the D’Iberville Fire Department for help? If so, were you satisfied with the service provided?

Streets, Drainage and Pedestrian Access:

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* 17. Are you satisfied with the condition of the streets in D’Iberville?

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* 18. Many of the neighborhoods in D’Iberville have sidewalks, but some commercial areas and major streets through the community do not. Would you use sidewalks if they were more widely available throughout the city?

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* 19. Would you utilize bike lanes if they were provided along major streets?

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* 20. Would you use multi-use trails if they were available in the community and provided appropriate conveniences such as shade and resting areas? A multi-use trail is one that will accommodate both bike and pedestrian traffic and is usually separated from the roadway.

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* 21. During heavy rainfall events, is your property negatively impacted in any way?

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* 22. Using the following scale, please rate the following services in D’Iberville.

  Inadequate Fair Average Above Average Excellent
Condition of Streets
Availability of Sidewalks
Garbage and Trash Collection:

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* 23. Does the current household garbage collection program suit your needs?

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* 24. Does the current program for the collection of yard waste suit your needs?

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* 25. Is there a litter problem in D'Iberville?

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* 26. Do you recycle?

Recreational facilities, services and parks:

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* 27. Where do you or the people in your household go to use public recreational facilities (ball fields, soccer fields, walking track, etc.) or parks?

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* 28. How often do you or anyone in your household use public recreational facilities?

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* 29. What additional public recreational facilities or services would you like to have in D’Iberville? Please check all that apply.

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* 30. D’Iberville offers a number of parks and community facilities including the Town Green and Riverside Park. Aside from recreational facilities mentioned in the previous two questions, are there additional parks or park amenities you would like to have in D’Iberville? Please check all that apply.

Water and sewer services:

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* 31. With respect to the water service you receive, is it adequate for your needs?

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* 32. Are you connected to a central sewer system?

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* 33. With respect to the sanitary sewer service you receive, is it adequate for your needs?

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* 34. With regard to other services in D’Iberville, please provide a rating using the following scale. Please skip an item if you have no opinion.

* This refers to the way people maintain their property to prevent it from becoming a nuisance, i.e., keep the grass cut, avoid accumulation of clutter or yard waste, no junk cars, etc.

  Inadequate Fair Average Above Average Excellent
Quality of public schools
Safety of public schools
Ambulance service
Gas service
Electric service
Internet service
Availability of sidewalks
Private property maintenance*
The next three questions use the phrase “sense of place”. Sense of place is used to describe the uniqueness of a community resulting from social interactions, the nature of the built environment, social or cultural events or opportunities, shopping, dining, recreational and many other aspects of a community. For example, Bay St. Louis and Ocean Springs have downtown areas with pedestrian activity, restaurants, and they are compact and pedestrian friendly. The uniqueness of each downtown contributes to each city’s sense of place.

Question Title

* 35. Is there a “sense of place” in D’Iberville?

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* 36. Please identify any elements of the community that detract from the sense of place:

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* 37. If you have any ideas that would create or enhance the sense of place for D’Iberville, please share them:

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* 38. Where or what is your favorite place in D’Iberville? Please identify that place and tell us what makes it your favorite:

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* 39. Where or what is your least favorite place in D’Iberville? Please identify that place and tell us what makes it your least favorite place:

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* 40. If it were possible to change three things about D’Iberville, what would those things be?

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* 41. Is there any particular cultural or social event that is significant in the community and brings the community together? What is that event (Crusin' the Coast, Mardi Gras)?

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* 42. With regard to the development that is occurring in D’Iberville, are you satisfied with the mix of new businesses and other uses?

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* 43. Thinking about the concept of curb appeal, are new developments in D’Iberville delivering favorable curb appeal?

Curb Appeal is used to describe the general attractiveness of a house or other piece of property from the sidewalk to the general public or prospective buyer.

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* 44. If future development in D’Iberville could be modeled after some other community, what community would that be? In other words, is there a city or community that has a great curb appeal, and a great sense of place that you would like D’Iberville to model? If so, what community or city?

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* 45. Please list the three greatest strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats you think D’Iberville is facing in the next 25 years:

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* 46. Please provide five words or phrases that you would like to characterize D’Iberville 25 years from now. Think of this as words that would appear in a vision statement:

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